Little People’s Head Start
What is Head Start and Early Head Start?
Little People’s Head Start and Early Head Start are federally funded preschool and family support programs for low income families. The programs help parents and children to be self-reliant. Services provided by Little People’s Head Start and Early Head Start include education, medical, dental, and nutrition.
Head Start provides early learning and school readiness for children 0-5 years of age. Children learn important social and emotional skills through supervised play with other children. This not only helps a child to develop social skills, it also promotes a healthy view of their personal identity.
Who qualifies for Head Start/Early Head Start?
Little People’s Head Start serves 38 children ages 3-5 and 48 children ages birth through age 2. Preference is given to families who have children with disabilities (inclusive preschool setting) or whose income meet the Federal Poverty Guidelines standards. Children in foster care, homeless children, and children from families receiving public assistance (TANF, SSI) are eligible for Head Start and Early Head Start services. Head Start may enroll up to 10 percent from families that have income above the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Also, programs may serve up to 35 percent of children from families whose incomes are above Poverty Guidelines but are 130 percent below the poverty line if certain conditions can be met. Pregnant women can also receive services from Early Head Start.
Head Start does not discriminate against anyone because of race, religion, or sex. Little People’s Head Start does not deny any child services based on a disability or its severity.
Where do I apply?
To apply for Head Start or Early Head Start, pick up an application at 435 South 13th Street, Ely or apply online here. If you have questions or would like more information, please call the Family Service Coordinator at 775-289-6114 Ext. 117.