
Board of Directors

Little People’s Head Start is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors who represent our community. Among the Board members are members with experience in fiscal management, law, education, as well as parent representatives.

This partnership between community representatives and parents helps to ensure that professional skills and business knowledge are balanced with the equally important voices of families who have children in the program. By volunteering, the Board of Directors help guide and direct our program to benefit our community’s children.

Policy Council

Policy Council members are currently enrolled Head Start parents and interested community members who act as a link between the people making and carrying out decisions and the people Head Start serves. The Policy Council along with the Board of Directors work together to govern the Head Start program.

The Policy Council is responsible for making decisions that guide and direct the local Head Start program. Some decisions the Policy Council are involved in include:

  • Funding applications
  • Developing, reviewing, and approving policies & procedures
  • Hiring/termination of Head Start staff
  • Other business that requires Policy Council’s approval